Monday, August 6, 2012


posted by Jon

The 1st annual Knoll Street Brewing Anniversary party will be held on August 18. We will be brewing all day and having supper together in the evening. Wives and children are invited. Please let me know ASAP whether you will be coming and how many you will bring. More supper details in the next few days (haven't decided on BYO meat and dish to pass or if I will just do everything).

Thursday, July 19, 2012


posted by Jon

Hello all. It's been a bit since I've posted so I figured maybe I should update.

I'm considering doing away with posting all of the play-by-play of every recipe we do. Will any of you be unhappy if this happens? Didn't think so. I have all of the recipes and play-by-play in paper form. If you want one, just ask and I'll give it to you.

Plan on brewing on Saturday, July 28. We will be doing 3 batches, making for a long day. Plan on dawn to past dusk. We will be doing 3 single-hop IPAs. Taking into consideration the size of my garage and the number of people already coming, please talk to me before inviting any non-club people.

I'm still learning more every time I brew. You may think that the last few beers have been great. As good as they might taste, I still have not brewed a batch exactly the way it was supposed to be brewed. Each batch has a) not had a long enough mash, b) not had a long enough boil, or c) not been fermented at the correct temperature. a and b can be taken care of easily enough, but without temperature control (working on it) c will have be solved by using a certain strain of yeast based on the temperature in whatever room of my house I'm fermenting in.

I'm getting extremely low on bottles. Please return as many as possible, as soon as possible. Drink faster, people.

Since we are brewing 2 batches a month, we have actually reached the end of our fiscal year. I assume you are all planning on being a part of beer club for another year. Please get me your $120 as soon as you can.

Please let me know if you will be here for the Knoll Street 2nd Anniversary party in August.

Monday, May 21, 2012

El Jefe Grande

posted by Jon

On May 5 we brewed 2 beers, Kay Sister Ryed and El Jefe Grande. Here are the details on El Jefe.

All Grain - Kay Sister Ryed

posted by Jon

As I had mentioned in a previous post, we have upgraded to all-grain from extract. I will use one of the beers we brewed a couple of weeks ago to explain the difference.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Summer Schedule

posted by Jon

Here's the schedule for the rest of the spring and summer:

June 2: Brewing from 10 AM til ??? Brewing Belgian Tripel and Belgian IPA (May & June beers)

July 10: Brewing from 5 PM til ??? Brewing July beer (or side batch)

July 28: Brewing from 10 AM til ??? Brewing Aug & Sept beers

Aug 18: KSB 2nd Anniversary party 10 AM til ??? Brewing Oct & Nov beers. Supper provided. Wives/kids invited. More details later.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Going All-Grain or: How my garage smells like puke

posted by Jon

Thanks to a substantial investment by Ryan W, KSB has made the jump to all-grain. I've got pictures of the whole set-up that I will post at a later date.

Last week Saturday we brewed our first all-grain batches, Sorry to Say DIPA and Ponzi Scheme Berliner Weisse.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hello? Is there anybody in there?

posted by Jon

Yes. I know. KSB has gone AWOL. No worries, mates. You'll get your beer.

I've been getting a bit burnt out with the idea that I have to brew at least one batch a month. It's been too long though. I miss it. The plan is to have one day a month for the next three months when I brew two batches to get caught up. After that I will still probably do two beers at a time. It's just easier that way.

Next Saturday, April 14, we will be brewing Sorry to Say DIPA and Ponzi Scheme Berliner Weisse. Ryan A is brewing a DIPA on Friday with a friend so we will be brewing from the same basic recipe in order to compare once they are ready. The Saturday brew day will likely last most of the afternoon/evening. Feel free to stop by. Bring beers to share if you feel inclined.

One of the nice things about brewing 6 beers between March and May is that they will all be ready in late spring or summer. We'll be shying away from the Imperial Stouts and Belgian Quads for a bit.

Just nod if you can hear me.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Coffee, Jamil, Ronnie's Legs, Triple crown, Cider and Oxygen-absorbing Caps.

posted by Jon

This weekend has become a weekend of bottling. By this afternoon I will have bottled 3 batches of beer in a 24 hour period. Let's backtrack a week. A week ago I got a Christmas gift. It was the book Brewing Classic Styles by... (more after jump)