Saturday, January 22, 2011


posted by Jon

No, this is not about how you haven't gotten a new beer in a while and need to be patient about it. This is about what to do when you receive your next beers. Certain styles of beer get better with age, much like a wine. A couple of styles that do are Imperial Stouts and Belgian Strong Ales. When you get your next batch of beer, you will be getting a couple of six-packs, one of the Intruder and one of the Fekete Mokus. You've paid for both of them. They are yours. Do with them what you will. If you want to feed them to your cat, by all means do. I, for one, will be letting my Intruder sit for a while. These bad boys will condition in the bottle for years. They will be exponentially better tasting one year from now than they will be once you get them. And if you have a whole ton of self-control and can wait a couple of years, you won't be disappointed. If you don't believe me, try tasting a 2007 Goose Island Bourbon County Stout. A couple of you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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